Parklife’s Purpose.
Often, when we articulate concepts like vision, mission, and values for our clients, the results combine the actual and the aspirational. In our history, we have long avoided articulating these concepts for ourselves, preferring instead to dive into our work and hear what speaks to our souls in the process. We think of it as our coming-of-age story, and while we never stop changing, we do at some point come into the essence of who we are as people and as a team.
During our 15-year evolution, Parklife has become a haven for creatives and entrepreneurs. We look for people with their own ideas of how things should be, people who approach these ideas with both humility and confidence. Often, the creatives and entrepreneurs we work with have chafed at the constraints of their previous workplaces. They are people who don’t accept mediocrity and more than anything else, they reject the notion of a status quo, much less defend it.
So, let it be known that as we continue to grow, we remain steadfast to this concept of being a haven for creatives and entrepreneurs. Without these teammates and partners, there are no innovations and no ideas. They are our purpose, our reason for being, as long as we enjoy the thrill of doing what we do day after day, year after year.